Clearer Insights into Your Sentry Data with Our Updated Stats Page

The Stats page allows you to get an overview of how your organization and each project is using Sentry. When events weren't accepted in Sentry, many of you were curious to know in more detail why that is and the only way to find out was to reach out via our support channels. We decided to enrich the available information directly on the stats page, so you can now easily understand the reason why events are being filtered or dropped.

What’s New?

  • New Categories: We’ve improved the way event outcomes are displayed on the stats page. Previously, data was categorized as ‘Accepted’, ‘Filtered’, and ‘Dropped’. The ‘Dropped’ category included various outcomes, including ‘Invalid’. To improve clarity, we’ve separated ‘Invalid’ from the ‘Dropped’ category and renamed ‘Dropped’ to ‘Rate Limited’ to avoid confusion with ‘Client Discard’, the new outcome that we are exposing. The updated categories are now ‘Accepted’, ‘Filtered’, ‘Rate Limited’, ‘Invalid’, and ‘Client Discard’.
  • Detailed Reasons: You can now view reasons for each outcome directly on the stats page. You can see whether events were dropped due to being badly formatted, exceeding size limits or because of spike protection, just to name a few.


We’ve also refreshed our documentation to include more extensive explanations for the new outcomes and reasons, so you can always understand exactly what's going on with your data.

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