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Install Python PIP on Windows

Install Python PIP on Windows

David Y.

The Problem

How can I install Python’s PIP package manager on Windows?

The Solution

Modern versions of both Python 3 and Python 2 come bundled with PIP, so it should be installed automatically. If it is not available in our installation, we can run ensurepip to fix this.

To run ensurepip, open a command prompt window and execute the following command:

Click to Copy
py -3 -m ensurepip

If py is not available you can use the following command:

Click to Copy
python -m ensurepip

Once this command has run, PIP should be installed and available. If PIP is already installed, the command will do nothing, so there is no harm in running it if you’re not sure.

Keep in mind that, on Windows, PIP must be run with the following command, which uses Python 3 to invoke PIP:

Click to Copy
py -3 -m pip \\ or python -m pip

Therefore, any time you want to install packages, you will need to provide the full command rather than just typing pip. For example:

Click to Copy
py -3 -m pip install sentry-sdk \\ or python -m pip install sentry-sdk
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