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BABEL Cannot find module 'node:path' error react-native

BABEL Cannot find module 'node:path' error react-native

Matthew C.

The Problem

You receive the following error when you build your React Native JavaScript bundle:

Click to Copy
index.js: [BABEL]: Cannot find module 'node:path'

The Solution

This error occurs when you use a version of Node older than version 14.8 and can be solved by upgrading to your Node version 14.18+.

Check your Node version by running the following command:

Click to Copy
node -v

If you need to use multiple versions of Node, you can use a tool such as Node Version Manager (NVM) to use different versions of Node for different projects. If you use Windows, use NVM for Windows.


Specifically, the error is caused by the use of node: import syntax in Node versions that predate the addition of the node:path module in version 14.18, which made built-in Node module imports more explicit.

Instead of importing built-in modules like this:

Click to Copy
import { readFile } from 'fs';

You can import them like this:

Click to Copy
import { readFile } from 'node:fs';

Even if the error is triggered by a dependency, such as NativeWind, it can be solved by upgrading Node to version 14.18+, because node:path also functions to prevent dependency module imports from overwriting built-in Node module imports.

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